How I went from being a driven, overworked executive to helping business owners and entrepreneurs build a business and lifestyle they love.
I wanted my own business so that I could do the things I loved while being the master of my own destiny.

I worked in the corporate world for 20+ years. I worked hard and enjoyed tremendous success. I’ve lead teams of hundreds of people and led sales and operations efforts across the city of Ottawa, the province of Ontario, nationally across Canada and internationally through the USA. I've worked with businesses with every conceivable ownership group: family owned, privately owned, private equity owned, and publicly owned.
One of things that was always on my mind for more years than I'd care to admit was running my own business. I worked hard and enjoyed my work for the most part but I felt like I was missing something.
A series of fortunate events occurred which led to me exiting the corporate world and starting my own business.
On my first day of running by business I made breakfast for my then nine year old twins Max and Zoe, and then walked them to school. I was thrilled to be able to do this. I also realized at that moment what I had been missing.
It was then that I resolved a few things.
- I was only going to do things I really enjoyed.
- I was only going to work with people that I liked.
- I was going to focus on my personal happiness.
As my business has evolved I've found it especially rewarding help businesspeople and entrepreneurs achieve success with their businesses and building the lifestyle of their dreams.
A Little About Me
Enjoy endurance sports (cycling, triathlon, running, skiing)
I’m a bit (lot) of an efficiency nut.
Love to sing. Regretfully, I am completely untalented in this area.
Married, have 4 kids, 2 cats, and one dog.
Learned how to play my first musical instrument 4 years ago (piano).
Enjoy good movies – especially at a theatre
Love creating exercise challenges.

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